Sunday, June 15, 2008


Hola! Another week down, phew! I actually had a GREAT week, despite the disgustingly humid weather we had. Poor Scott, his AC broke the 1st night of the heatwave - I stayed far away from his was STEAMY!

I tried to beat the heat by running early in the am or late at night. A few days it was manageable, but others it was (no joke) 80 degrees at 7 am. I will admit though, I did use the heat as an excuse for 2 days, but that was as long as I was gonna hold out - I had 6 miles to look forward to on Saturday.

On Sunday I did my 3-mile recovery run at the gym - I was going for a semi-decent pace...3 miles in 27 minutes. I hate the treadmill, I always feel like I am going faster than I really am. I took Monday and Tuesday off and then added on a few miles since I was a slacker:) Wednesday I met Heather in Grafton for a 4.2 mile run. It was pretty gross out, but having someone to talk to made it bearable. The next day I decided to make up for lost miles and head back to Grafton (this time by myself) to do the same 4.2 miler. It didn't go as smoothly and wasn't nearly as fun as having company with me! It was HOT, and the last 2 miles of the run happened to be in direct sunlight and on a busy road.

Friday am was a first...Scott and I went on our first run together (...hahha). It was a quick 2.5, I didn't want to over-do it since the team run was the next am. The little stinker tried to show me up! It went like this: Me jumping up on my soap box trying to give him "advice" and him trying to tell me I am wrong or "that's not how he does it". I'm sure anyone who heard us got a good laugh out of it! Surprisingly, we run well together...if he's lucky I'll let him come with me again!:)

Our Saturday run went AWESOME! We ran 6 miles (6.2 to be exact) through the back roads of Grafton - beautiful! My friend Catherine and I run at pretty much the same pace so we stayed together, pushing one another along when needed. We started off too fast and quickly learned it wasn't gonna be a pleasant run if we didn't slow down a bit. We set goals throughout the run and found that to help a lot. We had 2 big hills (one short and steep and one long and gradual) to conquer, and we delivered. It's amazing how your body can recover when running. For example, after the 1st hill (which was awwwful) I thought I was gonna pass out. It's amazing what a little deep breathing and mind games can do. We were both in good spirits the whole way talking about everything from matching running outfits to our much anticipated J Lo booties.

So far, so good!:)

* I have decided to post my prior week training schedule, not what I want to do this coming week, it always changes!

So last week...

Sunday: 3
Monday: Nada
Tuesday: Nada
Wednesday: 4.2
Thursday: 4.2
Friday: 2.5
Saturday: 6.2

'til next weeek!

xxo d

PLEASE!PLEASE!PLEASE! (...I'm starting to get reeeeeeeally nervous about this money raising thing)


Amanda #1 said...

You are definately my hero for even attempting to run a marathon. The thought of running even a mile gives me the shivers, LOL.