Sunday, June 8, 2008


Hey everyone, here we are...week 5! Time is flying and not gonna lie...I'm starting to get freaked out by what's ahead of me! Everything started off slow, the miles were manageable...well not so much the case anymore! I was looking at my training schedule and starting around week 12, we have 5 mile "recovery" runs after our LONG Saturday team runs. After I run a cool 15 miles they want me to wake up the next morning and bust out another 5?? That is NOT my definition of recovery. There's not much I can do at this is what it is.

Nothing crazy-exciting happened during week 5 (no fun Vegas-like stories to report...bummer), in fact it was verrrry quiet. I wasn't feelin' the motivation. I did not want to run. At all. A big thanks to my friend Megan, who kept me company on a few occasions last week. We had made plans to run and throughout the day I'd send her random e-mails and texts saying, "I'm too tired, ice cream instead?!", "I don't feel good, rain check??". Of course she wasn't buyin' it. Her response? "Tough. See you at 7". Thanks Meg! What would I do without you?!

Last week may not have been my best week, but I did stay committed to my schedule (the runs at least), there were a few small stops thrown in there, but I got through it.

Saturday was our team run. We had 5 miles on the agenda, not bad, right? I didn't think so. That was until we got LOST around mile 5. Yup, we got lost. My positive attitude took a dive when I learned we were gonna have to tack on 2 extra miles (ALL uphill mind you) onto the end. During the run I am pretty sure I was cursing to myself in hopes it would make me so mad I'd run faster. No such luck.

I'm feeling pretty good after the 7 miles. I'm actually not sore at all, it's a miracle. Our recovery run today was 3 miles (which I did on the treadmill because it's 9 million degrees and humid out), which is still in the good 'ol "recovery" category for me.

Week six workout schedule:
Sunday: 3 miles
Monday: Yoga
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: XT 40 minutes
Thursday: 4 miles
Friday: Off (maybe some XT)
Saturday: 6 miles

Thanks again for the support everyone! xxxo D

Keep those donations coming!